During the period of its activity, the Institute has
made a significant contribution to the development of mathematical science, the
training of highly qualified personnel for the republic and has become one of
the recognized centers of mathematical research at the international level. The path taken by the Institute
of Mathematics’ personnel is
vividly expresses in the
development of mathematical science in Uzbekistan.
Initially, the Institute was created as part of the
Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan as the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
with a computer center.
In addition to mathematics,
scientific research was also conducted in mechanics, theoretical geophysics,
seismology, and computer technology. Over time, the directions of mechanics and
seismic resistance of structures, cybernetics, and seismology separated as independent institutes.
In various periods, the Institute of Mathematics was
led by prof. N.N. Nazarov (1943-1947), prof. V.A.Dzhorzhio (1947-1950), Acad. V.I. Romanovskiy (1950-1952), Acad. V.A. Bugaev (1952-1957), Acad. S.Kh.Sirazhdinov
(1957-1960 and 1962-1967), corresponding member V.I. Gubin (1960-1962), Acad.
M.S.Salakhitdinov (1967-1985), Acad. T.D.Jurayev (1985-1992 and 1997-2003),
prof. B.B.Rikhsiev (2003-2004) and Acad. Sh.A. Ayupov (1992-1997 and from 2004
to the present).
In 1954, the institute was named after V.I.
Romanovskiy, the founder of the mathematical scientific school of
The most significant achievements
of the Institute can be listed
by creation of
scientific schools recognized by the world mathematical community on functional
analysis and algebra, differential equations, probability theory and mathematical statistics thanks to the efforts of V.I. Romanovskiy, T.A. Sarymsakov, S.Kh. Sirazhdinov, M.S.
Salakhitdinov, T.D. Juraev. Currently, these schools are run by academicians
Sh.A. Ayupov, A. Azamov, Sh.A. Alimov, Sh.K. Farmonov, and J. Hadzhiev.
The scientists of the Institute also carried out
fruitful research and made an
enormous contribution to
the study of the history of the development of mathematics in the Middle Ages
(academicians S.Kh.Sirazhdinov, G.P. Matvievskaya and others).
Scientific research of the Institute employees was
awarded five State Prizes of Uzbekistan. In
2017, the State Prize of the first degree in the field of science and
technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan was awarded to a team of
mathematicians - academician Sh.A. Ayupov and his students, doctors of sciences
K. Kudaybergenov (KKSU), B. Omirov (NUUz) and U. A. Rozikov
(IM AS RUz) for the fundamental research “Development of the theory of
non-associative algebras, derivations, and nonlinear dynamical systems”. Academician M.S. Salakhiddinov
was awarded the “Fidokorona khizmatlari
uchun” Order in 2017.
2019, PhD student of the Institute, J. A. Karimov, was awarded the
State Scholarship of the President of the Republic, and PhD student S. Shopulatov became the laureate of the “Mard
O’g’lon” State
Academician Sh.A. Ayupov and prof. U.A. Rozikov was
elected as Fellows of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).
In 2017, U.A. Rozikov was
awarded a diploma and a statue "Springer Nature top Author" from the
Springer-Nature publishing house.
In the competition "Scopus Award-2019"
Sh.A. Ayupov was recognized as "Top researcher in Natural sciences".
In 2020, U.A. Rozikov was
awarded the International Prize of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in
the category "Best Scientific Article".
2 employees of the institute with doctoral degrees from
the top 300 universities in the world ranking of universities were awarded the
degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) by the Higher Attestation Commission.
Over the past five years, 19
doctors of philosophy (PhD) and 18 doctors of sciences have been trained.
A huge influence on the development of the Institute
was exerted by the decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated
July 9, 2019 signed a resolution “On measures of the state support for further
development of mathematical education and science, as well as radical
improvement of the activities of the V.I. Romanovsky Institute of Mathematics
of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, on May 7, 2020 – a
resolution “On measures of improving the quality of education and development
of scientific research in mathematics”.
As a result of these resolutions, the construction of
a new building of the institute was completed in 2020 and all conditions for
scientific research were created.
In his Address to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of
Uzbekistan in January 2020, the head of our state designated this year as the
year of the development of mathematics, chemistry, biology and geology.
On June 12,
2020, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Institute of Mathematics of the
Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
The President got acquainted with the amenities
created here. There are 8 scientific laboratories and Young Mathematicians
Center in the new building. The building has an information resource center and
classes for workshops, offices of academicians and researchers, a library, a
conference hall and a dining room. The rooms are equipped with the latest
technologies and equipment.
“This modern
institute should become an enlightenment center for all scientists. Mathematics
paves the way to many sciences. It is no coincidence that we built the
institute here on the campus. The institution should ensure a close
relationship between education and science, lay the foundation for development
of our country”, noted Shavkat Mirziyoyev during
his visit to the institute.
At the meeting with
scientists on May 31, 2020 year, the Head of the state emphasized the need for
formation of mathematical consciousness from an early age. Therefore, a system has been created in which the Institute of Mathematics coordinates
the teaching of mathematics in preschool education institutions, schools and
higher education institutions.
Also, as a result of the aforementioned Presidential
Resolutions, the following opportunities have opened up for our scientists:
Ø In 2020, the Institute of
Mathematics was granted independence in awarding academic degrees;
Ø Regional departments of the
institute were created in the Republic of Karakalpakstan,
Bukhara, Namangan, Samarkand and Khorezm regions.
Currently, 22 doctors of sciences work in these departments, of which 13 are
part-time, 22 are candidates of sciences, doctors of philosophy (PhD) in
physical and mathematical sciences, of which 11 are part-time;
Ø A fund to support the
development of mathematics and education has been established at the Institute.
Currently, the Foundation operates on the basis of the Foundation Charter; at
the expense of the Fund for students and doctoral students in the field of
mathematics, established a scholarship named after academician T.A. Sarymsakov;
Ø The institute has a
laboratory for the coordination of mathematics education, consisting of 5 staff
Ø In cooperation with the
Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, the Ministry of Public
Education, a curriculum has been developed for retraining and advanced training
of teachers of higher educational institutions in the specialty
"Mathematics" and "Experimental program for advanced training of
teachers of mathematics";
Ø In cooperation with the
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Technical University and Chirchik State Pedagogical University of Tashkent region,
curricula were improved and standard subject (curriculum) programs in
mathematics were developed.